We are always buying and trading for original, quality firearms and Militaira. We buy single pieces or entire collections. Weather used or new – antique or modern – we are always interested. The items you have will be reviewed & given an accurate valuation within 24 hours.
Contact us any time for a cash / trade offer on your items. Have an original Luger, dagger or helmet you want to trade for a modern AR15 or Glock? Please let us know! Again, we will buy one item or an entire collection AND trade firearms for militaria. We travel for large collections, though most deals can be done quickly by phone and E-mail.
Please use the form on this page to start the process. Include a brief description of the items you have and upload accompanying pictures. If you do not have photographs ready, that’s not a problem. You will receive an email response from your initial inquiry & you can reply with additional information or images. Images are REQUIRED to complete a valuation.
To include photos, simply click the “Choose File” or “Browse” button at the end of the form. It’s best to submit images that show the entire item. Be sure to include each side of the item. Clear and close up shots are helpful for markings or damaged areas. Not sure how to photograph an item? If you have an item to sell like one on our site, simply take pictures similar to an item’s photo set found in our categories.